Simulating and geolocating enemy jamming for training and wargaming

Simulating and geolocating enemy jamming for training and wargaming

NATO military units generally lack independent capabilities for detecting and analyzing enemy jamming for Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB). Instead, this capability is mostly centralized or supported by specialized units or agencies.

The agency responsible depends on the operational command structure and whether the intelligence needed is tactical, operational, or strategic. Outsourcing creates complexity, increases response time, and increases the number of people with access to sensitive information. 

During a conflict, it is beneficial for planners to have real-time information on the location of the most significant source of jamming to mitigate the impact of disrupted communications. 

By simulating multiple jamming sources and geolocating high-power transmitters during training and wargaming scenarios, commanders can better understand enemy capabilities, anticipate potential courses of action, and assess how environmental factors may affect operations. 

The capability is also helpful in training situations for comms planners, who must decide on the optimal location for transmitters and manage frequencies for all organizational levels of a battlegroup.

In real-world scenarios, commanders can corroborate RF data with intelligence from multiple sources, such as satellite imagery. For example, an image of a suspected high-power jammer, which is confirmed to be emitting at a specific frequency, and located at a precise latitude and longitude, provides actionable, robust intelligence far greater than the sum of its parts. 

How to simulate enemy EW effects in RFeye Site 

In the video simulation (below), the hypothetical environment is in the Baltic region in Latvia. Suspected red forces are operating in the area, and blue forces are positioned to the west. Multiple electronic warfare installations are jamming signals across the L1, L2, L5, and E bands, denying access to several GNSS networks. 

The simulation uses two RFeye Arrays to demonstrate how to geolocate these high-power transmitters and analyze their effects. 

Configuring target frequencies 

Before the simulation, CRFS RF engineers configured the target signals transmitted by red force jammers. These configurations involved identifying the relevant bands (e.g., L1, L2, L5, E6) based on anticipated enemy activity and operational intelligence. The parameters for these signals—the power levels, waveform, and modulation types—were input into the simulation software based on the known parameters of known electronic warfare installations. Additionally, the engineers virtually placed the jammers within the simulated environment. 

Geolocating enemy jamming 

Step 1: Geolocate high-power transmitters 

  1. Initiate spectrum analysis: Run the spectrum and enable the Angle of Arrival (AoA) method to detect the sources of high-power transmissions. Users can also use a hybrid method by overlaying the highly accurate Time Difference on Arrival (TDoA) technique. 

  2. Locate L1 jamming: Highlight on the spectrum the first signal in the L band. The geolocation reveals the indicated likely position of a suspected high-power jammer, represented as a diamond icon on the map. 

  3. Locate E6 band jamming: Shift the search parameters to detect E6 band jamming (Galileo jamming). Geolocation results show intersecting crosses on the map, indicating the likely location of the jammer. 

  4. Locate L2 jamming: Adjust the search parameters to locate L2 jamming. The map highlights the transmitter's likely precise location. 

  5. Locate E5B jamming: The scan continues to identify jamming in the E5B band (a Galileo signal). Users can mark the assumed location of the new jammer on the map. 

  6. Locate L5 jamming: Finally, detect and geolocate jamming on the L5 GPS band. 


Step 2: Enable propagation analysis  

  1. Input parameters: Input the locations and parameters of the geolocated transmitter into RFeye Site Simulator. 

  2. Run RF propagation analysis: The software calculates and visualizes the strength of each jamming signal and represents this as a heatmap. 

  3. Interpret heat map: The heat map overlay indicates areas with higher and lower jamming intensity. Bright regions represent the strongest signals, while gaps show areas of reduced interference. 

  4. Assess decibel levels: Use the on-screen tools to hover over areas and read decibel levels, identifying the jammer's strength.

Step 3:  Carry out an IPB 

  1. Analyze comms survivability: Use the heat map to determine areas with low communication survivability and identify optimal corridors for friendly transmitters or drone paths. 

  2. Evaluate interference: Assess the impact of jamming power levels. For example, a lower decibel level might indicate a Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna (CRPA) could be effective. Operators can also establish the interference level at which different types of GNSS antennas can survive.  

  3. Plan countermeasures: Based on the jammer type and power levels, explore solutions such as relocating communications to less affected areas. 


Using the highly configurable RFeye Site to simulate and geolocate enemy jammers provides military planners and commanders with a practical tool for evaluating enemy capabilities and planning for real-world scenarios. The software allows users to practice the first three stages of the OODA loop. 

Users can define transmitters and power levels and see how they are affected by topography to gain critical spectrum insights and ascertain electronic warfare's operational impact. 

Applied to real-world contexts, this capability will allow individual units to gather their own real-time RF data to carry out robust IPB, protect critical comms and PNT systems, and neutralize RF jamming systems—without relying on outside agencies.   

RF simulation software for RF training & wargaming


RF simulation software for RF training & wargaming

RFeye Site Simulator provides EW operators with simulated RF sensors. This powerful tool can be used for teaching spectrum operations and conducting wargames, allowing EMSO professionals to simulate scenarios and resolve tactical problems. 

Jaimie Brzezinski

Jaimie Brzezinski is Head of Content for CRFS. His specialty is turning highly technical ideas into engaging narratives. He has 15+ years of experience in writing technical content and building global teams of subject matter experts.

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